Summary of DiGA: How Germany Channeled Digital Health Apps Into Its Healthcare System

1 min readMay 22, 2023




German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (or BfArM in short), law-makers.

Gov established Digital healthcare Act.App 變成醫材納入政府健保)

Insurance covers 90% of Germany population to use DiGA (digital health application) by statutory health insurance (a system of health insurance that insures a national population against the costs of health care. -> 像是美國拿medicare的私人保險機構)

Gov negotiate price with statutory health insurance companies prior to patient subscription (政府事先統一定價,所有私人保險機構採用 -> 醫材公司不用跟一堆保險機構打交道才能讓病患使用),patient subscribe the app with code form insurance companies (40,000 codes released)

Open source guideline to subscribe APP (透明化/推廣:政府統一窗口公布使APP prescribe流程, 推薦資訊)and marketing with manufacturers.

App Developers

Becoming DiGA: CE certified -> fast track:

permanent pathway: excessive clinical study data before application, granted forever.

preliminary pathway: pre-clinical data, approval for 1year (build complete data for permanent pathway)

Trended: mental health e.g., anxiety, burnout APP, orthopedic rehab APP

problem: patients recruiting leads to approval failure.

summary in chart




Written by Ben

Who used to talk too much but try to listen and observe now.

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